Should I Incorporate? The Pros and Cons of Incorporating your Business

Should I Incorporate My Business? The short answer is that it depends on many factors, including: And that’s just to name a few. The issue is a complex one, but this comprehensive guide to business incorporation will help you understand the pros and cons of incorporating your business in Canada. We will look at examples […]
What is a Section 85 Rollover?

A Section 85 Rollover can be used to reduce personal taxes when incorporating your sole proprietorship. This article will explain how a Section 85 Rollover works and give some examples to illustrate this tax planning technique. We’ll also look at the Form T2057 that is needed to file the election and show an example of […]
Crypto Tax Guide Canada

Is crypto taxable in Canada? Yes. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is clear that crypto is subject to Income Tax. You’ll pay Income Tax on half of any crypto gains from dispositions of crypto, as well as Income Tax on any additional income from crypto – like staking or being paid in crypto. How much tax do […]
Professional Corporations & Income Taxes

Many professionals can now incorporate their practices as professional corporations as per the provincial legislation. Professional Corporations are now becoming a very common structure since the majority of provinces have relevant professional regulations. Professional Corporations are popular amongst Accountants, Lawyers, and Medical Professionals. Disclaimer: This post is an income tax perspective of the use of […]
Personal Services Business (Incorporated Employee)

Have you recently received a contract offer from a business that has asked you to incorporate yourself? By the way, this is very trendy in the IT and transportation industry! We receive a couple of requests every day for such incorporations. Most of the time, because the “employer” (yes, the word used by these people) […]
Foreign Accrual Property Income – FAPI CRA

Canadian Resident Taxpayers With Passive Investments In Controlled Foreign Affiliate Are Subject To Complex FAPI Rules. Foreign Accrual Property Income, a.k.a. FAPI in its short form, is defined in subsection 95(1) of the Income Tax Act (ITA). The definition itself is very long and complex. If one must oversimplify, one can say that FAPI is […]