Shareholder Loan: Understand it and Avoid Trouble with the CRA

tax accountant canada

This article will dive into the following topics on Shareholder Loan CRA: What is a Shareholder Loan? In general, your shareholder loan represents the balance of funds that you have contributed to the corporation. Or on the flip side, it also represents the funds that you have withdrawn from the company. You can loan money […]

Accountant for Lawyers

Accountant for Physicians in canada

Accounting and bookkeeping services for lawyers Lawyers consistently rank as being among the busiest professionals, so it makes sense you don’t always have time to manage your books. Abdullah, CPA is an experienced Accountant for Lawyers in canada, we have years of experience offering accounting services for lawyers, and supporting law firms with our tax […]

Tax Packages for Medical Professionals

Accountant for Medical Professionals

Abdullah CPA is a specialist Accountant for Medical Professionals in Canada and provides comprehensive Accounting Solution for your Medical Professional Corporation and personal returns. We take a proactive and integrated approach to tax planning to ensure your goals are met while paying the lowest possible in taxes. Take a Look at Tax Packages for Medical […]

Personal Tax Guide in Canada

accountant for physicians

In this article, you’ll learn how your money is taxed, and the types of income and deductions that allow you to reduce that tax. Personal Taxes guide in Canada How Personal Taxes Work in Canada In this article, you’ll learn how your money is taxed, and the types of income and deductions that allow you to reduce […]

Salary Vs. Dividend: How to Pay Yourself from Your Corporation

Accountant for Physicians in canada

We work with business owners from across Canada and we are often asked about the difference between salary vs. dividend Canada. If you own a business through a corporation, you have the ability to pay yourself a salary or dividends or a combination of both. This article will look at the difference between salary and […]

Shareholder Loan: Understand it and Avoid Trouble with the CRA

Accountant for Physicians in canada

This article will dive into the following topics: What is a Shareholder Loan? In general, your shareholder loan represents the balance of funds that you have contributed to the corporation. Or on the flip side, it also represents the funds that you have withdrawn from the company. You can loan money to your company by […]